Having a quality preschool education or daycare program can be essential to your child’s future. In fact, 80% of children who participated in preschool programs outperformed their peers who did not participate in high-quality early care and education programs. Finding a high-quality preschool program with developmentally significant daycare activities is clearly important for a child’s future success, and one way to tell if a preschool is high quality is fairly simple: look to see if storytelling is a significant part of the program. Here’s why storytelling is an important daycare activity and why your child’s preschool should make use of it.
Social Skills And Cultural Benefits
Preschools that feature storytelling as a prominent part of daycare activities are better able to teach young children values and morality that they might otherwise miss out on. A good preschool program will use storytelling to help educate children on right and wrong, which can be incredibly difficult to teach in other forms.
Additionally, storytelling can be an excellent way to teach young children about culture and the world they live in. Kids in this stage of childhood development are easily able to absorb information about the world around them, and using storytelling to reinforce information they are learning about their culture can be incredibly helpful in this process.
Psychological Developments
Storytelling can do more than just educate children on the world around them; it is also essential for psychological development in young children. Storytelling helps to develop verbal reasoning and proficiency, even at ages before children can read for themselves. By hearing more new words and being exposed early, your child will be better prepared to learn to read later on. Additionally, storytelling can help young kids develop essential listening skills that will serve them well as they grow older and begin primary school.
Choosing the right preschool or daycare program can be incredibly challenging, and finding one that makes proper use of storytelling is important for your child’s development. Contact Lily Pond Country Day School to see if your child would be a good fit and to see what enrollment options are available for you and your family.